Name meaning


How y'all doin'? I'm good, I'm good!

Today I learnt the meaning of my name (elias, for those who don't know). I was curious about it, since a few days ago I was talking with my coworkers during lunchtime about origins of names. I knew that my name was Jewish, but I hadn't a clue what it meant in Hebrew.

So, I did the obvious sinister act.. I Googled it :P

My name's etymology according to Wikipedia is this: Elias' meaning is "My god is Yah" or "Yah is god" or "YHWH is my el" or whatever :P

It's rather lame to be named "Yah is god" I think. It just sounds to me like a 14 year old girl would say: "XYZ-huge-pop-star is GOD, he is sooooooooo hot" or something :P

Obviously El means God.

I prefer El. "Hi, my name is El.. Do you know what 'El' means?.. El means God!" :P

Well, till next time.. Ta ta :D
elias a.k.a. diluted


Unknown said...

i hate to intrude to your relationship with your name also, but
el has a very deep root to your own tradition, being the well known "HL" coming from "Hlios" as "Hliodwros" and "Hliosporos"..

we also find an accent like "el" in "ellas", "elia" etc...


dilu666 said...

dear electra,

first of all, thanks for commenting on my posts and your interest for my "name meaning" post.

as you have probably witnessed from my post, I am perfectly aware of the meaning of the prefix el- used in my name. though, its roots are probably not greek, as you seem to suggest. its meaning is god and its origins lie, probably, way before the bronze age (when the minoans and the phoenicians interacted in the eastern mediterranean region). it was first used, again, probably, by the first modern humans (cro-magnons [homo sapiens sapiens]) that inhabited the regions of Middle East, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. (of course the word might go waaay back than that, when the cro-magnons fought mercilessly with the neanderthals, slaughtering them in the name of "el", during or a little before the upper paleolithic [50000bc?])

yours truthfully
elias a.k.a. diluted

Unknown said...

i was interested in your name meaning post, because, being not so agnostic as you, i trace the common meaning of the prefix El, when reffering to "god"

i just suggest, that each culture has an own way to cherrish the symbols

for me it only suggests, that the root of the "god" consept is common

as yachve reffers to the eastern god bacchus, who s messiah dionysus met our civilization, and the borders of territories were not so strickt back then

we can t really tell the true origins of names,

if we have to put a tag on such origins

Unknown said...

so simpy, what clings the most to my ear is Hl-ias meaning "of the sun"

very less tags and nationalism
