Scientists have investigated whether young and unpaired adult cranes are playing around when they put on a show.
Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham | | |
title: "I in Team" - originally published 3/25/2013 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE! |
When being better doesn't equal victory: Samsung's curious overshadowing of HTC
In a lot of things, being the best generally leads to victory. Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the London Olympics? He wins the gold. A hosting company has the best recorded uptime? It takes home an award. Google launches the fastest consumer broadband available in the US? Boom, victory.
But every so often, life throws us a curveball. For every 1972 Dolphins team, there's a pack of believers from NC State eager to do something crazy in 1983. And in more germane terms, there's presently no rhyme or reason why HTC has continually outgunned Samsung in terms of design prowess, yet continues to bleed cash while its Korean rival mints it. Actually, there is a reason. It's called marketing.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Samsung
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Europe and Russia teaming up for mission to Mars
NASA may have already landed several rovers on the surface of Mars, but that isn't stopping other countries from trying it themselves. The European Space Agency (ESA) and Roscosmos have signed a deal to launch an orbiter in 2016 that will orbit the Red Planet, as well as plans to put a rover on Mars in 2018 as part of the ExoMars program.
As a part of the deal, the Russians will be providing the rockets for both missions in 2016 and 2018, while the Europeans will be providing the orbiter and the rover. The orbiter will study the chemical composition of the atmosphere of Mars. For the 2018 mission, the Europeans will provide the carrier and the ExoMars rover, which will be tasked with the mission to look for signs of life on the Red Planet.
However, what's perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of this proposed rover is that it will be able to dig up samples from as deep as 6.5 feet beneath the surface of Mars, which will be the deepest that any rover has ever dug. The ESA says that, by doing this, the rover will be able to collect samples "that have been shielded from the harsh conditions of the surface, where radiation and oxidants can destroy organic materials."
NASA actually pulled out of the ExoMars program last year, but while they're no longer a part of it, the ESA said that NASA will still contribute to the project by providing some communications software, as well as engineering support during the missions. Other details haven't yet been discussed, but we're excited nonetheless.
Story Timeline
Scientists uncover massive river on Mars Opportunity rover begins 10th year on surface of Mars MIT professor develops form-fitting space suit, is dreaming of Mars Curiosity rover bores into Mars for the first time NASA: Mars Curiosity rover now analyzing drilled rock Dennis Tito announces plans to send married couple on a private Mars flyby mission Buried flood channels discovered on Mars Mars Curiosity rover finds evidence of habitable life on Mars
Europe and Russia teaming up for mission to Mars is written by Craig Lloyd & originally posted on SlashGear.
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Ιστορική χαρακτηρίζεται η παρουσία του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίου Α' στην επίσημη τελετή ενθρόνισης του Πάπα Φραγκίσκου Α'. Είναι η πρώτη φορά μετά το Σχίσμα των δύο Εκκλησιών, τον 11ο αιώνα, που Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης θα παρίσταται σε αυτό το γεγονός.
Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham | | |
title: "We need to talk." - originally published 3/6/2013 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE! |
Only steaks from now on.
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The now standard money injection therapy :p
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Dennis Tito is planning an ambitious private flyby of Mars for 2018 that will carry all kinds of logistical challenges during its proposed 501-day span, not the least of which is shielding the crew from radiation without consuming valuable resources. The team's solution is a clever one, if not especially pretty: human waste. While the walls of the Inspiration Mars spacecraft will initially be lined with water-filled bags to guard against cosmic rays, their contents will be gradually replaced with er, byproduct that will be dehydrated through the bag (possibly using polyethylene) to reclaim and purify water for drinking. As water-based materials are better at stopping radiation than metal, the approach theoretically represents the best of all worlds with less bulk, a simpler life support system and maximum room for supplies. If the Inspiration Mars group can keep the bags working at high efficiency in space, it won't have to worry about its travelers' safety; their comfort with being surrounded by their own waste may be another matter.
Filed under: Transportation, Alt
Source: New Scientist