If god exists.. (it is an evil geek)


Today I went to the cinema and watched the rite. Quite interesting movie.

Aside from being in the "quite interesting" category, it also provided me with the incentive to think a little bit about god.

My thoughts follow below:

In the planet earth that god allegedly created, every living thing has to consume living things in order to survive (these have either died, or die in order to be consumed or die during the process of consumption). Plants do not explicitly require organic matter, but something should die (albeit, they do not always kill it themselves) near them in order to replenish the dirt with the nutrients they need to thrive.

So, god knowingly created a world that is in a constant inter-species war for survival, where nothing can survive without the expense of the life of something else. Where is the kindness in creating a world of agony, pain and fear where only the more fit for the war can survive?

Would it be difficult for god, in its infinite wisdom, to create a world where everything would live in harmony with everything else and mind its own business? NO. But it didn't. It preferred to create a universe of eternal struggle.

Most people choose to believe that god has a grand scheme and that it has created this decaying shithole (the earth) as a trial for primates that belong in the homo sapiens branch of the hominidae (a.k.a. great apes) in order to gain eternal life or eternal pain. Of course these beliefs were devised by humans for humans.. other living things (even orangutans, gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees*) are either worthless to be accounted for or are mere tools in the disposal of people [the latter is the Christian and Jewish point of view, by the way.. a rather arrogant and human-centric approach that dangerously flirts with fascism])
* they are the rest of the hominidae. Also, according to wikipedia, some scientists are suggesting that bonobos and chimpanzees should be classified to the "homo" family of the hominidae.

So, an equally* valid hypothesis for the nature of god is that, if the god exists, it is an evil geek that watches his creations consume each other.
* to all the other monotheistic theological approaches

  • It watches everything, as it is an omnipresent thing.
  • It is full of pride and arrogance as it watches everything progress according to its evil plan.
  • It feels extreme self-indulgence and smugness, as it watches everyone abide to its rules.

Also, in one out of a not-yet-accurately-defined-number of planets, random intelligent life forms manage to challenge the malevolence of god by degrading the mineral resources of the planet they exist on and by killing each other. They are actually so misguided that they think everything was created for them from an entity that protects them, in the expense of everything else. They were indeed created in the god's image. Arrogant.

If god exists, it hasn't created all these out of tender love and kindness or in order to select the best of the human souls, but because it can (that's the reason I'm referring to the god as a geek), or because this is its project in Biology IV in the university.

So, if god exists, our purpose as humans is to fight the evil god and prove to it that we can be better creatures and differ from the mass during our extremely short and meaningless lives. Challenge it not by being more malevolent, but instead by being benevolent.

We should declare war on god.

The scenario I presented in this article seems to me more probable than every other scenario I've heard of. Either way I doubt that god exists (I am a doubter [for those who've seen the rite]).

Ta ta,
elias a.k.a. diluted

(this article is licensed under the GPL3)

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