Postin' when bored


How y'all been doin'? I'm cool :p

I'm returning from my more-or-less 10-day vacations in (where else would dilu go?) Thesaloniki :p

After returning home I'll leave, yet again, for a short trip (2 days,or 1.5 to be exact) to Chania with my old university pals!

So, today's lecture will be about my posting-on-weblog habits :p

Perhaps you, my oh-so-loyal and oh-so-many readers (a slight touch of irony), have noticed two facts, which will be mentioned and analyzed in the remainder of this text.

1. I rarely post.
2. The majority of my posts are being sent from my mobile (and, thus, this is where they have been composed) while I'm traveling.
3. The posts tend to be large and complex; thing that if we consider their source (my cell) and the fact that I'm not a native english speaker, usually takes a lot of time.

The reason for all of the above is that I mostly post when I'm bored :p

The third fact also comes from my inherent tendency to write pipes. I'm a pipologist :p Don't worry though; for the terms "pipes" and "pipology" will be investigated at a subsequent post!

Well, enough for today. See you another time! Ta ta :D
elias a.k.a. diluted

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